My god - what an ordeal. Gas, electric, water and -IMHO- large scale social media conglomerates - are UTILITIES and should be - at the very least - regulated as such ...
"Sorcerer’s apprentices" indeed. Good on you for not rolling over and closing up shop. Those pulling the strings these days obviously have some deep-seated issues. It's as if being a sadist is a prerequisite to reach that level of sorcerer. Toe the line or else...
"For the Tech Mongols, life was an exercise in revenge and schadenfreude because they too simmered with resentment. Despite their vast fortunes and trappings of power, they had never tasted glory and never would because they were life’s non impact players." From a novel I am writing.
Great writing, great perspective and an absolute great read. Thank you Peter. Thank you very much.
Thanks Thom, it has been a strange year.......
My god - what an ordeal. Gas, electric, water and -IMHO- large scale social media conglomerates - are UTILITIES and should be - at the very least - regulated as such ...
"Sorcerer’s apprentices" indeed. Good on you for not rolling over and closing up shop. Those pulling the strings these days obviously have some deep-seated issues. It's as if being a sadist is a prerequisite to reach that level of sorcerer. Toe the line or else...
"For the Tech Mongols, life was an exercise in revenge and schadenfreude because they too simmered with resentment. Despite their vast fortunes and trappings of power, they had never tasted glory and never would because they were life’s non impact players." From a novel I am writing.